Are Bidets Sanitary?

Are Bidets Sanitary?

Bidets Have Been Around For Centuries, But Are They Really Sanitary?

Bidets have been around for centuries, and many people believe them to be a more sanitary option than toilet paper. Bidets work by spraying a stream of water to cleanse your private areas after using the restroom. The water pressure and temperature can be adjusted to your liking, and some models even have built-in options like heated seats, air dryers and remote controls. But the main objective of a bidet is to get you clean. No one would would argue that washing yourself with water is going to get you cleaner than wiping off with dry paper.

Proponents of bidets argue that they are more effective at cleaning than toilet paper, and that they can help reduce the spread of bacteria. Of course, you want to use a bidet in the most hygienic way possible, taking care to use all the typical practices in cleanliness such as washing your hands. It is important to remember that bidets are not a replacement for hand-washing, and that they should be used carefully to avoid spreading bacteria. With proper care and maintenance, however, bidets can be a safe and effective way to cleanse the body after using the restroom.

Imagine feeling as fresh and clean as you do after a shower, but every time you use the bathroom. That's what it's like to use a bidet. There are no worries about wads of toilet paper or smearing or wiping--just a refreshing current of water to rinse away every trace of waste and bacteria.

Why Have Bidets Been Slower To Catch On In The United States?

It is said that bidets suffered something of a stigma for a couple of reasons; one is that during World War II, the soldiers encountered bidets for the first time ever when visiting brothels in France. The embarrassment they had for visiting these unseemly places carried over to the bidets, so no mention was ever made of them when they returned to the United States.

Another possibility is that the remnants of Puritanical England carried over. Very often, bidets were used by women to clean up during their menstrual cycle and the association with that made bidets an unpopular choice with the Puritans.

Of course, none of these reasons had anything to do with the bidets being unsanitary--far from it. But it's an interesting bit of history!

What are the Health Benefits of Using a Bidet?


Regularly using a bidet can have a significant improvement on your health. At its most basic, a bidet is going to get you cleaner and leave you more refreshed than if you just use plain old toilet paper. No one will argue that using water is a hygiene improvement over just wiping away dry, but that area can be sensitive and tender and the friction of the toilet paper can lead to discomfort and swelling. The waters of a bidet feels soothing and gentle because you are treating your most private area with care.



If you have specific health issues like, for instance, hemorrhoids, a bidet can truly be a godsend. This very common condition, which is a swelling and inflammation of the rectal veins, can cause a lot of discomfort, itching and bleeding. The last thing you would want on those inflamed area is a harsh wipe with dry paper. Obviously, the calming waters of a bidet is going to help soothe all of the symptoms and lead to better healing.

Another huge benefit is removing the fecal bacteria and washing it away instead of wiping it around. If your skin is raw and compromised from hemorrhoids or another health issue, it is much more susceptible to unwanted bacteria getting in. The bidet is a huge asset here and really can improve your health in this way.

Many other health conditions can benefit too--if you have anal fissures, Crohn's disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, using a bidet can be a big improvement to your health. If you had a recent surgery and your mobility might be compromised from that, a bidet can make a trip to the bathroom so much easier. Other mobility issues, such as arthritis, can also benefit greatly from using a bidet.


It has been said that bidet use helps those who are prone to Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Simply put, UTIs are caused by bacteria getting into the urinary tract (that's why women are always supposed to wipe front to back). Many bidets have a "front wash" feature which observes the front to back practice and, if you're using a handheld bidet model, you will want to direct the spray from front to back. The bottom line is that the less bacteria around the urinary tract, the better, so a bidet is a great benefit here.

Hands Off!

One small thing that has a big benefit is that bidet use keeps your hands cleaner. Whether your using a bidet with a knob, button, or sprayer, your hands don't come into contact with and waste material so you avoid the risk of spreading that around. With toilet paper, your hands are "all up in there" which can lead to messy situations and that is definitely not sanitary. Of course, you should always wash your hands after using the bathroom, even after using a bidet.

Keep Your Bidet Clean!

Obviously, part of keeping a hygienic bathroom routine means keeping all of your bathroom fixtures nice and clean. Clean your bidet as you would your toilet or bathtub by giving it a wipe-down when you do your routine cleaning. Many of the fancier models might have a built-in cleaning system and certain brands might give specifics on how to keep water nozzles clean. If you have a handheld sprayer attachment on your regular toilet, just wash off the sprayer nozzle during your cleaning routine.

A Few Extras

In addition to all the health and hygienic benefits to bidet ownership, there are a few other big plusses that are worth mentioning.


While bidets may seem like a luxury item, they actually have a number of advantages over traditional toilets, especially when it comes to the environment. For example, because bidets use less water than toilets, they can save resources that are used to treat and pump water. In addition, bidets do not require the use of harsh chemicals for cleaning, making them a more environmentally-friendly option. Since your toilet paper use will go way down, it will benefit the trees that are used in the paper production and well as save on the chemicals that go into that process.



When it comes to saving money on bathroom costs, bidets are often overlooked. Yet, this simple fixture can actually provide a significant financial benefit over time. The initial investment may be higher than a traditional toilet, but the long-term savings can be significant. For example, bidets use far less water than toilets, which can lead to lower water bills. In addition, bidets can help to reduce the amount of toilet paper used, resulting in savings on this household staple. And for those who are interested in being eco-friendly, bidets offer a more sustainable alternative to traditional toilets. So, if you're looking for ways to save money in the bathroom, consider investing in a bidet. Over time, you'll be glad you did.


In conclusion, bidets are an efficient and sanitary way to clean up after using the bathroom. They are more effective than toilet paper and better for your skin. If you’re looking for a sanitary upgrade for your bathroom, a bidet is the perfect solution. They come in all shapes and sizes, so there’s sure to be one that fits your needs. Plus, they’re easy to install and can be up and running in no time at all. So why not give them a try? You may be surprised at how much you love using a bidet!


Q1. Are bidets more sanitary than toilet paper?


        Click the picture to buy the Purrfectzone bidet sprayer

In fact, using a bidet is more sanitary than using a traditional toilet and toilet paper. Bidets use water to cleanse and wash away any leftover urine or fecal matter – no wiping required. While some users dry themselves with toilet paper after rinsing with a bidet, the fecal matter has already been washed away.

Q2. How do you dry your butt after using a bidet?

Most Bidets have a built in air dryer for you to use. If the one you are facing does not, use toilet paper or other paper towels to dry yourself off.

Q3. Are bidets sanitary for multiple users?

Bidets can be shared. The practice of sharing bidets is sanitary and there's no reason to consider it any less hygienic than the commonplace practice of using another's toilet. Also, unlike regular toilets, modern bidets often clean themselves as many have self-sanitizing bowls and wands/nozzles.

Q4. Is a bidet better than wiping?

When it comes to benefits, bidets are a no-brainer. They're cleaner, gentler, and more eco-friendly than toilet paper. And wiping less means you'll be saving money on your shopping bill, as well. So go ahead and give one a try.
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