How Often Do You Change a Cloth Diaper?

How Often Do You Change a Cloth Diaper?

There's no hard and fast rule for how often to change a baby's cloth diapers, but a good rule of thumb is to change them every 2-3 hours. Of course, this will vary depending on how often your baby urinates and has bowel movements. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the frequency with which you change a cloth diaper will depend on several factors, including the type of cloth diaper you use, your baby's age, and activities, and how often you wash your diapers.

How Do I Know?

If you notice that the diaper is wet or soiled, be sure to change it right away. It's usually pretty easy to tell when a baby's disposable diaper needs to be changed--those absorbent gel beads inside the diaper soak up the liquid and make the diaper noticeably heavier. With cloth diapers it's not quite as easy, so let's go over some things to watch for to indicate a diaper change needs to happen!

Hanging Low?

Sometimes you can tell just by looking at the diaper. It doesn't swell like the disposable, but is it hanging down and droopy? It's probably time for a change.


If you're holding the baby and start to feel dampness or it seems like their clothes are becoming damp, the diaper needs to go. If you're using a waterproof cover over the diaper, the dampness won't be apparent, but you can carefully reach a finger under the waterproof part and give it a quick feel.

How Does It Feel?

Depending on what material the diaper is made out of, you might be able to check if it's ready to be changed by squeezing it--if there is a stiff or firm feeling, that can be an indicator, or if it has a heavy feeling it might be time.

Your Nose Knows


It's usually somewhat harder with cloth diapers to tell from the smell that it's time for a change, but if you do smell something "suspicious" you will know!

In General...

In general, you should change your baby's cloth diaper every two to three hours during the day. At night, you can go longer between changes, although it is still a good idea to check your baby's diaper every few hours to make sure it is not wet or soiled. This varies by age, as newborns urinate more frequently than toddlers.


Expect to change your baby 8-10 times per day, so keep at least 24 diapers on hand! You may also need to adjust your diapering system if you find that you are constantly changing diapers. Certain materials and diaper brands hold more urine than others, so if you are becoming frustrated with too many changes, you may want to invest in a higher-quality cloth diaper or look into disposable or washable diaper liners.

Baby's Diaper Fit

There are a lot of factors that go into whether or not a diaper will fit your baby properly. The size and shape of your baby's body, the type of diaper you're using, and how well the diaper is manufactured all play a role in getting the perfect fit.

However, there are some general tips that can help you get the best fit for your baby's diaper.

First, make sure that you're using the right size diaper for your baby. If the diaper is too small, it will be uncomfortable and could leak. If the diaper is too big, it will be bulky and could cause sagging.

Second, pay attention to how the diaper is made. Some diapers have extra padding in the back or sides to help prevent leaks, while others have special channels that allow air to circulate and keep the diaper dry.

Third, make sure that the diaper fits snugly around your baby's waist and legs. If there are gaps, the diaper could leak.

Finally, don't forget to check the fit of the diaper before you put it on your baby. The last thing you want is for your baby to be uncomfortable or for the diaper to leak.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to get a great fit for your baby's diaper. Remember, every baby is different, so you may need to experiment a bit to find the perfect fit. But once you do, you'll be glad you took the time to get it right.

Washable Diaper Liners

Washable cloth diaper liners are an economical and eco-friendly way to line cloth diapers. They can be used multiple times before being washed, which cuts down on the number of diapers you need to use overall. You can also choose from a variety of materials, such as cotton, bamboo, or microfiber. 


Another benefit of washable cloth diaper liners is that they can help to keep your baby’s skin dry and free of rashes. They wick moisture away from the skin, which can help to prevent irritation.

Finally, washable cloth diaper liners are easy to use. Simply place the liner in the diaper before putting it on your baby. When it’s time to change the diaper, remove the liner and place it in your dirty diaper pail(or reuse it, if it’s not soiled). Then, put a new liner in the diaper and continue as usual. 

Washable diaper liners have many benefits over disposable ones. For one, they are much more environmentally friendly since they can be reused over and over again. They are also more comfortable for babies since they are made of softer materials. Additionally, washable diaper liners can save you money in the long run since you will not have to keep buying new disposable ones.

Disposable Diaper Liners


Disposable cloth diaper liners are a type of absorbent paper that is placed inside a cloth diaper to help with clean-up. They are often made of viscose or bamboo and can be purchased in a roll like paper towels.

Cloth diaper liners can also be flushed down the toilet, making them a more environmentally-friendly option than disposable diapers. Although they are not required, disposable liners can make cloth diapering easier and less messy. They are available at most major retailers that sell cloth diapers or online.

There are many benefits to using disposable baby diapers. They are absorbent, so they can keep your baby dry and comfortable. They also have a built-in adhesive strip that helps keep them in place, which can be helpful when your baby is moving around a lot. Additionally, disposable baby diapers are designed to lock in moisture and odors, so you can feel confident that your baby is staying clean and fresh.

Pocket Diapers

Pocket diapers are a type of cloth diaper that has an inner liner (the "pocket") which can be stuffed with absorbent material. The pocket diaper gets its name from this feature. Pocket diapers are a popular choice among cloth diapering parents because they are easy to use on kids and can be customized to meet the needs of any baby.

There are many benefits to using pocket diapers. One of the main benefits is that they are highly customizable. Pocket diapers can be stuffed with any type of absorbent material, such as microfiber, hemp, or bamboo. This allows parents to choose the absorbency level that is right for their baby. Another benefit of pocket diapers is that they can be adjusted to fit any size baby. Pocket diapers also have a water-resistant outer layer that helps to keep baby's clothes dry.

If you are considering using pocket diapers, it is important to understand how they work and the benefits they offer. Pocket diapers are an easy and convenient way to cloth diaper your baby. With a little bit of research, you can find the perfect pocket diaper for your family.

Diaper covers

There are many reasons why you might want to use a diaper cover. Maybe you're trying to save money on diapers, or maybe you're looking for a more natural option. Either way, diaper covers can be a great solution.
diaper covers
Diaper covers come in all sorts of styles and materials. You can find them made from wool, cotton, or even synthetic materials. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to choose the right one for you.

Wool diaper covers are great for keeping your baby's bottom warm and dry. They're also very breathable, which is important in preventing diaper rash. However, they can be a bit pricey and may not be as easy to find as other types of diaper covers.

Cotton diaper covers are more affordable and easier to find than wool covers. They're also more breathable, which helps prevent diaper rash. However, they don't provide as much insulation and may not be as comfortable for your baby in colder weather.

Synthetic diaper covers are the most affordable option, but they're not as breathable as cotton or wool. This can make them more likely to cause diaper rash. However, they're often easier to find and may be a good option if you're on a budget.

No matter which type of diaper cover you choose, be sure to look for one that fits well and is comfortable for your baby. You should also make sure it's easy to change so you don't have to worry about leaks.

With so many different types of diaper covers on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. However, by taking the time to find the perfect fit and material, you can be sure to find the perfect diaper cover for your baby.

Quick Guide To Changing a Cloth Diaper

diaper sprayer
    Click the image to buy the Purrfectzone diaper sprayer or
    1. Remove any solid waste from the diaper. The best way to do this is with a bidet sprayer that connects directly to your toilet. These attachments have strong water pressure and you can spray them right into the toilet and flush it away.
    2. Put the rinsed-off diaper in your soiled diaper bag or pail until you’re ready to wash them. Your pail must have good air circulation to reduce diaper odor.
    3. Have a good laundry routine that you keep up with--every 2-3 days is best. This will help to prevent diaper rash and keep your baby's cloth diapers in good condition.
    4. If possible, hang the diapers out to dry in the sun. If you use a dryer, keep it on a medium or low setting.


    Remember, there is no hard and fast rule for how often to change a cloth diaper. Every baby is different, and you will quickly learn what works best for your child. With a little practice, you will be a pro in no time and ensure that your baby stays comfortable and happy in their cloth diapers.


    Q1. Do you change your cloth diaper after every pee?

    But you do need to change a baby in a cloth diaper after every pee. You'll need a place to keep the soiled liners (just like you would have a diaper pail for dirty disposable diapers). For cleanup, you'll just put the poop in the toilet and keep the dirty linens in the hamper.

    Q2. How often should I change my cloth diaper at night?

    During the daytime, you likely change your baby's diaper every 2 to 3 hours. At night, your baby's diaper needs to hold up through night feedings and up to 12 hours!

    Q3. How many cloth diapers do I need per day?


    For full-time cloth diapering, we recommend 24 cloth diapers, regardless of the style you choose. Why 24? Breastfed newborns often go through 8-10 cloth diapers a day. To avoid stink, mold, mildew, and other issues, we recommend washing your cloth diapers every other day.

    Q4. Do you have to wash cloth diapers after every use?

    No matter what type of cloth diaper you use, they'll need washing so you can use them over and over again. (In fact, new cloth diapers should be washed at least once before using, to increase their absorbency.)


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    Read Our Blogs:
    Pros and Cons of Dog Diapers
    Read: How To Wash Cloth Diapers: 5 Time-Saving Tips
    Read: How to clean cloth diapers with poop
    Read: The Best Way to Store Cloth Diapers: Tips and Tricks

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